Fullforcevoraus -
Immer großes Blatt, 8000watt.
Strade Bianche Weekend with Sportful!
Sportful | Plaickner
What a weekend! Perfect weather, stunning roads, and the best crew to kick things off with a chilled social ride on Friday—good vibes, delicious wine, and tasty snacks included. 🍷🚴
Saturday was all about race action! We chased the Strade Bianche pros, catching the battle unfold from different key spots along the course. The highlight? Watching the final meters from a balcony at Piazza del Campo—an absolutely epic view of the race’s finish!
Pictures by Sportful | Plaickner
Saturday was all about race action! We chased the Strade Bianche pros, catching the battle unfold from different key spots along the course. The highlight? Watching the final meters from a balcony at Piazza del Campo—an absolutely epic view of the race’s dramatic finish!
Sunday, it was time to grind the gravel—137.7 km, 2,300 m of elevation at the Gran Fondo. Rolling through Tuscany in full Sportful style, rocking my Standert Kettensäge, HUNT 40 Carbon Gravel Race wheels with 35 mm Schwalbe G-One RS, and my trusty KASK helmet. The ride? Absolutely stunning.
A perfect season opener—now, let’s keep the momentum rolling!
Sportful x Strade Bianche – Ride Into The Legend
Ride 137.7 km, grab a 25% discount, and join Sportful for the Strade Bianche challenge – no matter where you ride! 🚴♂️💥 Just get out, have fun, and be part of the adventure!
Neue Folge 800ohertz Frequenz Julien mit Joëlle Messemer
Die neue Folge Frequenz Julien ist live! Dieses Mal zu Gast: Joëlle Messemer, Frankfurter Radsportlerin vom Team CANYON//SRAM Zondacrypto & Generation.
Wir sprechen über:
Ihren Weg ins Team CANYON//SRAM
Das Leben und Training im Sportinternat
Motivationstipps für euer Training bei schlechtem Wetter
🎧 Jetzt reinhören auf Spotify & Apple Podcast
Neue Saison, neues Bike?
Dann verkaufe jetzt dein altes! Check buycycle.com/8000watt und hol dir 30% Rabatt auf die Seller Protection mit meinem Code!
Verkaufe dein Bike sorgenfrei, schnell und zu den besten Konditionen. Lass dir diesen Deal nicht entgehen
Last 8000watt Drop: What You Need to Know…
All T-shirts and Longsleeves are made from 100% organic cotton and printed in Germany. Designed for ultimate comfort with heavy cotton and a loose fit – make sure to size down if you prefer a regular fit, as they run one size bigger than normal.
Ride in style, stay sustainable.
Once they’re gone, they’re gone! Visit my shop now and grab yours before it’s too late.
Join Us for the ADHS Gravel Social Ride in Würzburg & Munich on August 15th and 16th!
We’re excited to invite you to our ADHS Gravel Social Ride in Würzburg, hosted in collaboration with Dreamers Racing (aka Alex Bregenzer). We’ve got a fantastic route planned around Würzburg, followed by snacks and coffee at Café EVI by Maxl Bäckerei. Whether you have ADHD or not, everyone is welcome! Let’s ride together and have an open conversation to raise awareness about ADHD.
OCD… Oakley Community Days Munich 2024
A Weekend to Remember
Mid-July saw the Oakley Community Days in Munich, and once again, I was thrilled to be part of it with the 8000watt crew, alongside incredible athletes like Vali Höll, Korbi Engstler, Anke Eberhardt, and Elias Schwärzler from the realms of road cycling, MTB, and downhill.
As always, we lucked out with the weather, and the location was absolutely stunning. With plenty of space and a beautiful courtyard, it was the perfect setting for the various rides that kicked off throughout the weekend. Friday started with an "all-star" social ride, a relaxed affair that ended with pizza and a few drinks back at the location—just the right way to reconnect with the community and catch up with familiar faces.

Sunday brought my 100 km gravel ride under a solid 30-degree sun. We headed out towards Möschsee, cruising through the woods where the shade kept things cool. A quick dip in the lake and an ice cream later, we made our way back—what a ride! You can check out the route on Komoot if you're curious.
In the evening, we wrapped up with a talk on how to reignite your inner spark. How do the pros push their limits and still find a way to feel good? Get ready for some inspiring insights from the Oakley Community Days All Stars!
Thanks to everyone who joined, and here's to next year!
Pictures by Kathrin Schafbauer & Tom Kieslichs
Trail Action with Peak Performance…
I’m thrilled to share the latest Peak Performance Trail Hiking collection with you, captured around Berlin alongside my friend Maximilian Semlinger. This collection is a dream for anyone who loves the outdoors. It’s super nice to wear, incredibly light, and highly functional, making you feel right at home even off the beaten path.
With protective shell styles, easy-to-pack liner jackets, and breathable base layers, you’ll be ready to explore any terrain with confidence.
-> Check out the new collection. <-
A special thanks to Max for filming, Julien Riganti for the amazing cut, and Schweineprinz aka Porco Rosso for the awesome tunes!
Neue Komoot Funktion: Gravel on the fly!
Helm auf, Bike ready machen und los gehts! Du kannst jetzt mühelos Gravel-Routen finden - egal wo du bist, angepasst auf deinen Abenteuer-Stil. Der neuen Komoot Funktion kannst du echt echt super easy dir Routen vorschlagen lassen in deinem Umkreis. Es gibt jetzt einen neuen Algorithmus der kombiniert Daten, aus den von der Community aufgezeichneten Aktivitäten und Empfehlungen mit aktuellen OpenStreetMap-Daten, um dir die besten Tourenvorschläge für jede Region zu liefern.
Was meint ihr zum Cargo Bike im 8000watt Design. Endlich ist es fertig und ihr könnt sogar eine Special Edition des E-Cargoville LJ Bike gewinnen. Das Design bzw: die Lakierung wurde umgesetzt vom Design Studio Coat. Das Ergebnis: Juliens ganz persönliches Transportmittel für die Straßen von Berlin – ein E-Cargo Bike, das auffällt, laut ist, dem hinterhergeschaut wird.
Schaut also gerne mal auf der Webseite von Bergamont vorbei und mit etwas Glück könnt ihr sogar eins gewinnen. Oder ihr seht es auf der Straße und scannt direkt den QR Code ab ;)
Next ADHD Gravel Social ride out in Stuttgart!
Alex von Dreamers Racing und Julien von 8000watt laden zum ADHS Gravel Social Ride in Stuttgart ein, um ein größeres Bewusstsein für ADHS zu schaffen und das damit verbundene negative Stigma zu durchbrechen. Zusammen werden wir 50 km Gravel mit gemächlichem Tempo fahren. Kein Rennen!
Treffpunkt ist um 10:30 Uhr am Fiestsen Radcafe (Silberburgstraße 84, 70176 Stuttgart), dort werden wir auch nach dem ride einkehren, wo wir euch zu Kaffee und Kuchen einladen und eine Vortrags- und Diskussionsrunde zum Thema ADHS halten.
Mit jedem Ticket seid ihr automatisch im Lostopf für die Verlosung am Ende der ADHS Gravel Social Ride Tour 2024.
Wir freuen uns auf euch!
Wer noch etwas an die ADHS Stiftung spenden möchte, hier ist der Link:
gofundme.com/dreamersracing x 8000watt
Ein herzlicher Dank geht an unsere Partner Hunt, Wahoo und Buycycle !
Oakley Community Days
Ich lade dich dich herzlich zu den Oakley Community Days vom 19. bis 21. Juli in München ein – egal ob du Rennrad, Gravel oder MTB fährst, ob Du Rookie oder Pro bist.
Freu dich auf drei Tage voller Community Rides, inspirierender Talks und spannender Workshops. By Riders. For Riders. Bekannte Athlet:innen wie Vali Höll, 8000watt, Korbi Engstler, Anke Eberhardt, Elias Schwärzler und viele mehr.
Am Sonntag den 21. Juli biete ich euch ein 100 km Gravel Ride an und freu mich auf euch.
Podcast update!
La dolce Vita und La dolce Windel. Wir befinden uns nach wie vor in zwei verschiedenen Welten. Umso schöner, dass Julien sehr viel zu erzählen hat. Er ist durch die Dolomiten geradelt, saß bei der Tour de France im Begleitfahrzeug und hat sein Fahrrad in Venedig geparkt und fast nicht zurückbekommen. Aber hört selbst.
Partner der Folge: GENERALI VeloCity Berlin: Das Radrennen in Berlin am 04.08.2024 Unser Rabattcode von 5€: Velocity5 https://velocity.berlin/anmelden/berlins-schnellster-kilometer
Out now!
The 8000watt Magazine Numero Special Edition Marocco!
After 8000 years, the first issue of the 8000watt Magazine has been printed. On 144 pages, analog photos document the Atlas Mountain gravel trip in Morocco by Patrick Pilz and 8000watt. QR codes bridge the gap between print and digital. Layout by Sara Moser. Concept and idea by Julien Riganti
The first 100 orders will include an original Buff x Komoot. Stickers and a postcard are always included.
Enjoy flipping through, reading, and scanning.
8000Watt Magazin Release im Standert Showroom, 30.05., Berlin! 🚴♂️🥂
Nach Jahren des Wartens ist es endlich soweit! Das 8000Watt Magazin / Coffee Table Book wird am Donnerstag, den 30.05., ab 18 Uhr im Standert Bicycle Showroom in Kreuzberg, Berlin vorgestellt. Kommt vorbei, sichert euch euer Exemplar vor Ort und stoßt mit Drinks von GLOW GLOW Weine und Weingut Herz über Kopf an.
Freue mich, euch zu sehen! Am 31.05. ist das Magazin dann auch online im Shop erhältlich.
Fullforce und hier bitte anmelden für das Event: RSVP
Partner unsere nächsten 8000hertz Podcast Folge: GENERALI VeloCity Berlin!
Das Radrennen in Berlin am 04.08.2024. Einmal durch die City und durch die geilen Spot Rund um Berlin fahren. Alles ohne Autos und eine abgesperte Strecke nur für dich!
Unser Rabattcode von 5€: Velocity5
#82 – Noch lange nicht fertig! – Mit Lukas Pöstlberger
Mit Pöstipower geht’s in die nächste Runde. Unser Gast ist nicht nur einer der nettesten im Peloton, sondern auch noch Etappengewinner beim Giro und der Dauphiné. Wie kann es sein, dass so einer keinen neuen Vertrag bekommt? Ist das System schuld? Oder das Management? Und wie geht es jetzt weiter? Am FTP kann es auf jeden Fall nicht liegen. All das klären wir hier!
My new game changer glasses… Oakley Sphaera™
Discover the Oakley Sphaera™ Sunglasses: A Berliner's Verdict
After seven weeks of rigorous testing in Berlin, both on the bike and during runs, I can confidently say: the Oakley Sphaera™ sunglasses are a winner. Here's why they deserve your attention:
1. New Design: These shades blend seamlessly with Berlin's urban vibe, turning heads with their sleek contours.
2. Expanded Field of View: Oakley delivers on its promise of the largest field of view to date. Whether weaving through traffic or cruising along the Spree, peripheral vision is unparalleled.
3. Athlete-Driven Innovation: Developed by and for athletes, the Sphaera™ sunglasses are engineered to enhance performance without sacrificing style. They're primed to make waves at the Summer Games 2024.
4. Prizm™ Glass Technology: Colors pop, contrasts sharpen – thanks to Oakley's Prizm™ Glass Technology, every detail of Berlin's landscape is crystal clear.
These shades became my go-to, whether on the bike or for leisurely runs. For style, performance, and innovation, the Oakley Sphaera™ sunglasses have you covered. Trust me, they're worth it. Fullforcevoraus
It's finally here. Julien and Alex Bregenzer from Dreamers Racing are launching the ADHD Gravel Social Rides Tour 2024.
Julien and Alex (Dreamers Racing), both affected by ADHD, aim to foster a deeper understanding of ADHD, educate, and overcome the often existing negative stigma through their Gravel Social Rides. Sport is a vital avenue for us to manage ADHD. Through the group rides and subsequent talks and Q&A sessions, we aim to inform and educate.
We are looking forward to seeing you there!
With each ticket purchase, you'll automatically be entered into a prize draw at the end of the ADHS Gravel Social Ride Tour 2024. We're giving away a Wheelset from Hunt, a Wahoo Home Trainer Package including a KICKR v6, Headwind & Climb, and a 2000€ voucher for buycycle
For those who wish to donate to the ADHD Foundation, you can do so via this link:
gofundme.com /Dreamers Racing x 8000watt
Der Grinduro Germany steht vor der Tür! 🚴♂️ Ein fantastisches Gravel-Wochenende in der malerischen Eifel im HELLENTHAL vom 24. bis 26. Mai 2024. Am Freitag werde ich gemeinsam mit Marion einen Social Ride anbieten. Wer Lust auf Wettkampf hat oder einfach ein tolles Gravel-Wochenende erleben möchte, sollte sich anmelden. Mit meinem Code "8000watt" erhältst du sogar 20€ Rabatt!
Los geht's, wir sehen uns dort! 🎉
Celebrate International Tomato Day!
Over a week ago, Sucuk und Bratwurst GmbH & 8000watt celebrated the International Tomato Day and the Berlin Half Marathon with a two-day event. Featuring a special collaboration shirt drop, pomodori pasta dinner, a shake our run and a get-together, we extend our gratitude to all involved. #tomatoday #8000watt #berlin
Pictures: Maximilian Semlinger
I curated an Italian playlist for you all to accompany your next Pomodori pasta dinner.
8000hertz x kask Berlin Social Ride
🚴♂️ Gear up for the ultimate social ride! Join us on April 13th, 2024, for the 8000hertz x Kask social ride in Berlin during Veloberlin. We'll kick off outside of Berlin for a scenic 50 km road adventure with plenty of time for chats. Afterward, we'll regroup at 19grams coffee for some well-deserved coffee and cake. RSVP via the link below.
See you there! Julien & Bene
Sucuk & Bratwurst x 8000watt Pomodori style
Join us for a tomato-themed two-day event in Berlin with Sucuk & Bratwurst! April 6th marks International Tomato Day, followed by the Berlin Half Marathon on Sunday. Kick off the festivities with an easy 5 km run on Saturday morning. Let's pace together and embrace the tomato spirit. See you there! 🍅
Full article about our project you can read here…
8000hertz Podcast - Sei kein Shrimp mit Coach Andi G!
Picture by Patrick Pilz
Wir haben die Ehre und dürfen Andi bei uns begrüßen. So viel echtes Wissen hatten wir wahrscheinlich in noch keiner Folge. Andi ist unter anderem Nike Running und Nike Well Collective Coach, studiert Biomedical Engineering und kümmert sich darum, dass wir wieder lernen uns richtig zu bewegen. Wir hatten unfassbar viel Spaß beim Aufnehmen, aber hört einfach selbst.
In the most recent episode of our podcast, we had the pleasure of hosting Coach Andi (Nike Running und Nike Well Collective Coach) from Berlin. The insightful conversation delved into various topics related to personal development, mindset coaching, and achieving goals. Podcast is in German.
Picture by Patrick Pilz
My experience at Strade Bianche with Sportful and Bora Hansgrohe
I had the unique opportunity to attend the legendary race in Tuscany, Strade Bianche, for the first time, thanks to the Italian sportswear brand Sportful, a key sponsor of the race and the Gran Fondo. Sportful also happens to be the official partner of the German cycling team Bora Hansgrohe. My Italian heritage made this experience even more special, as my grandfather hailed from Italy. Upon arriving in Florence, I was warmly greeted by Fede from Sportful, who whisked me away to a delightful dinner with the Sportful team at a charming hilltop hotel reminiscent of typical Tuscan architecture. Over the next couple of days, I immersed myself in Italian culture through wine tasting sessions with legendary riders like Peter Sagan, Daniel Oss, and Paolo Bettini. One of the highlights of the trip was a memorable wine tasting featuring the classic Brunello di Montalcino. Fans can still catch glimpses of my Italian escapade on my Instagram Stories under the designated highlight. Continuing our adventure, we visited Siena to collect our race numbers for the upcoming Gran Fondo on Sunday, where I eagerly signed up for the challenging 140 km route. Later that evening, I had the privilege of meeting the riders from Bora Hansgrohe, securing an interview for my podcast with Jonas Koch — tune for that episode. On Saturday, I enjoyed the exhilarating experience of following the race from inside a car and witnessing the riders tackle the gravel sectors at breakneck speeds. Despite facing challenges, the Bora Hansgrohe riders displayed resilience, with Lennard Kämna clinching a commendable top 20 finish. The crowning glory of the day belonged to Tadej Pogačar and Lotte Kopecky, who emerged victorious in their respective races. The thrilling conclusion at the Piazza del Campo in Siena left me in awe of the sheer determination and grit displayed by these remarkable athletes.
Photo by Josef Plaickner
Sunday marked the eagerly awaited "race day" for the grand Fondo Strade Bianche, and it began with an early start, a comforting cappuccino, and a drive at 7 am alongside the Sportful crew towards Siena. Upon arrival, a crowd of 7000 riders (next year 8000) awaited us at the starting line. Fortunately, the forecast promised a rain-free day, although the chilly 8-degree morning called for appropriate attire. From my Kask helmet to the Fiandre No Rain cap, Matchy neck warmer, and Oakley radar, I geared up for the challenge. Layered with the Sottozero baselayer jersey, Fiandre Light No Rain jacket, Fiandre Light No Rain vest, and Aqua Pro jacket, I was ready for any weather contingency. Sporting the Supergiara bibtight, Pro Race toe cover, and No Rain gloves completed my ensemble for a smooth start. As I bid my Italian friends adieu after 40 km, I ventured through the breathtaking landscapes of Tuscany, embracing the brutal climbs and gravel tracks with joy. Despite my starting position at 201 amongst 5000 participants, navigating through the packed field was a delightful experience. Fuelled by Maurten gels and solid bars, the replenishment zones every 30 to 40 km provided much-needed energy. Crossing the finish line at Siena's Piazza del Campo, I relished a well-deserved pizza, reunited with the Sportful crew, and ended the day with an espresso and a couple of beers. For those considering participation next year, I wholeheartedly recommend it for a thrilling escape from winter monotony and an unforgettable experience.
If you are interested in all the Strade Bianche weekend happenings, you can tune in to my podcast (in German) or view my story highlight on Instagram. Explore the latest updates, race insights, and highlights from this prestigious cycling event. Get the behind-the-scenes stories from the race weekend. Whether you prefer listening on the go or watching visually engaging content, you can get informations about the Strade Bianche weekend through these platforms. Enjoy a comprehensive coverage of this exciting cycling event in the heart of Tuscany.
Official Partnership Announcement
We are pleased to announce that 8000watt has been named an official partner of the upcoming event. As part of this partnership, attendees can look forward to receiving special goodies from our side. Stay tuned for more details on the exciting offerings we have in store for you at the event. 8000watt is giving away a entry to the event. Just comment on the Instagram video post!
The event Cowlands aimed to bring together cycling enthusiasts from all around to experience the beauty of the Alps around Munich and the joy of pushing boundaries. Cowlands would be more than just a ride; it would be a celebration of friendship, community, and the thrill of testing limits.
With an inclusive atmosphere, local food, music, and a sense of unity, Cowlands aims to deliver an unforgettable experience for all participants.
Berlin gravel interview with Alassan…
From Paris to Berlin. Alassan, a motivated runner is now on gravel. Check out the interview on the trails in the woods.
Here is our route!
Alex Bregenzer x 8000hertz Podcast out now!
Überraschung, wir sind zu dritt! Mit Alex Bregenzer haben wir den frischgebackenen deutschen Vizemeister im Cyclocross zu Gast. Wie man aus der letzten Startreihe zweiter wird, was das ganze mit ADHS zu tun hat und wie so das Training läuft, als grad gewordener Vater klären wir hier. Vielen Dank an Alex! Wir hoffen, ihr habt beim Hören genauso viel Spaß wie wir beim Aufnehmen.
Dreamers Racing -> Alex sein team und Projekt!
Racing Bikes to break the stigma of ADHD
Da ist das Ding. Jakob Klinge ist aktuell Deutscher Paracycling Meister auf der Straße und tritt seit dem Trikot-Update locker die 8000watt. On top hat der Wattner Ende Dezember 2023 bei der Deutschen Meisterschaft Bahn im Paracycling in Berlin über 1000m Bronze sowie im Omnium (Gesamtwertung) und Teamsprint Gold geholt. Fullforcevoraus und gute Session für 2024.
Lange Rede kurzer Sinn!
Zusammen mit bike-components habe ich meine 20 Lieblingsprodukte rausgesucht und mit meinem Code 8000WATT20 bekommt ihr noch mal 20% Rabatt oben drauf!
Checkt es aus. die Seite ist nur 1 Woche online.
Don't forget to place your order
by 17.12.23 to receive it in time for Christmas.
8000watt advent raffle
Once again this year, the season of Advent brings with it an exciting opportunity - the annual raffle. With the promise of luck and anticipation in the air, participants eagerly await their chance to win something special. This time-honored tradition adds a thrill to this festive period, as individuals indulge in the possibilities that lie within each ticket. From coveted prizes to heartfelt surprises, the raffle captures the essence of the holiday spirit, reminding us that miracles can happen when we least expect it. Whether it's a much-desired gift or a small token of luck, the raffle symbolizes the joy of giving and receiving, leaving participants filled with anticipation and hope as they eagerly await the outcome.
Check out the Instagram page!
Dit you check out the latest WIN WING 2 GRAVEL STEALTH… Get 10% off with my code “8000W_10”
Since 2 years, I have been using the GRAVEL STEALTH from the Swedish brand Ass Savers, and I must say it works. The functionality of this product is unparalleled as it effectively protects my bike from mud and water, ensuring a smoother and cleaner ride. Its user-friendly design makes it incredibly easy to handle, and I appreciate the brand's commitment to producing high-quality cycling accessories. In fact, I have some exciting news to share: I recently acquired a promo code, 8000W_10 exclusively for you. By using this code, you can avail a generous discount of 10% on all Ass Savers products! Make sure to take advantage of this fantastic offer and enhance your cycling experience with Ass Savers. Bisou, 8000watt
Back in stock!
Espresso & Cappuccino cups… the perfect gift for X-MAS
Finally. After more than a year, the #8000watt cups for your espresso or cappuccino are back in stock. Made in Northern Italy and of course they are dishwasher safe. Happy XMAS
End of session party in Munich!
We will see each other. It starts at 10 pm at Charlie! I'm looking really forward to seeing you!
Urban style with my new Bromton bike!
8000watt gave you 1-month, free. WHOOP 4.0 is included.
Yes, you heard it right! With my code, you get one month free with Whoop. With this incredible device, you can optimize your health, fitness, and life. Whoop helps you understand your body's needs and provides you with valuable insights to make informed decisions about your well-being. Whether you're a professional athlete or simply someone who wants to take control of their health, Whoop has got you covered. It not only tracks your workouts and sleep patterns, but it also alerts you when it's time to chill and recover. Don't miss out on this opportunity to level up your game and enhance your overall lifestyle. Try Whoop today and experience the difference it can make in your life.
Live Podcast Nr.2 in Frankfurt
On October 29, 2023, my second live podcast with ex-professional rider Tanja Erath, current professional rider Rick Zabel, and my podcast buddy Benedict Hertzberg took place at Frankfurt's Batschkapp venue. Just like in Cologne, the event was a full house, and I was thrilled to be hosting the podcast in my home base of Frankfurt. It was a fantastic evening, filled with friends and familiar faces, as we discussed the current cycling events, previews, and the professional peloton. From 7:30pm until 10:45pm, we engaged in lively conversations, receiving excellent feedback from the audience. We are already making plans for the next edition in Berlin in 2024. Rest assured, we promise to focus not only on cycling but also on lifestyle topics, ensuring a well-rounded experience without delving too much into nerdy themes. Once again, thank you for being there; it was a pleasure for me to have you in attendance.
ADHD social ride in Berlin!
Last weekend, we had the pleasure of hosting our second ADHD gravel social ride in Berlin together with Dreamers Racing (Alex Bregenzer). Alex and I were diagnosed with ADHD as children and want to use the ride to raise awareness and share our views on the subject with cyclists. A total of 40 enthusiastic riders joined us as we embarked on a thrilling 70 km gravel adventure through the picturesque woods around Berlin. The weather seemed to be on our side as we enjoyed a refreshing autumn day with the sun shining brightly and not a drop of rain in sight, which was quite fortunate for an October day. After conquering the gravel trails, we all gathered at 19grams Coffee Roasters (Alexanderplatz) to share stories and experiences over a cup of coffee & cake. During the break we engaged in a meaningful conversation about the unique challenges and joys of navigating life with ADHD. It was a truly enriching experience, both in terms of the ride itself and the connections we made along the way. Thanks Maurten for the support during the ride and 19grams for the location and the good Fullforcevoraus coffee.
We look forward to doing another social ride with you soon...
ADHD Gavel Social Ride in Berlin!
Our second edition of the ADHD Social Ride with Alex and Julien will take
place on Sunday 15.10.2023 in Berlin.
Relaxed 70 km gravel with snack support from @maurten_official .
We talk from our own experience on the subject of ADHD. After our ride we will give a
short talk on the subject and can exchange ideas with coffee and cake in the @19grams.coffee at Alexanderplatz.
The ride out is limited to 40 people.
🏁 11 am, S-Bahn Treptower Park park side
An adventurous two-day hiking trip to the Refuge du Fourcat, nestled in the breathtaking French side of the Pyrenees.
The two-day hike in the Pyrenees Ariégeoises was an exhilarating adventure. Blessed with good weather, we embarked on the journey carrying our reliable backpacks from BACH Equipment. Our chosen model, the BACH MOLECULE 50 PACK, weighing only 1.1 kg, proved to be the perfect companion for our expedition. The first day greeted us with favorable conditions as we set out on a beautiful yet demanding route spanning 6.9 km. The path was both stunning and challenging, leading us from an elevation of 1200m to an impressive 2446m, where our much-awaited refuge, "Refuge du Fourcat” awaited. As we ascended straight up with an incline of 38%, our determination soared, fueled by the breathtaking surroundings. Because we started a little later than usual, we did not arrive at our refuge as planned for the evening meal at 19:30. Instead, it was already 9 o'clock in the evening when we finally arrived. Despite the significant delay, we were pleasantly surprised to be received with friendliness and hospitality. The staff went out of their way to ensure that we were still able to enjoy a warm meal, which was not something we expected. This gesture made us feel welcomed and appreciated, despite the unexpected circumstances.
The night was short but good. We woke up feeling refreshed and ready for the day ahead. After a satisfying breakfast, we eagerly made our way back to the valley. Our next challenge was to conquer a peak that stood an impressive 2800 meters high. It seemed almost insurmountable, but we were determined to push through. Time seemed to fly by as we climbed, and within barely 10 hours, we had covered a remarkable 11 kilometers. Along the way, we were greeted by breathtaking sights of vultures, ibexes, and eagles soaring above us. As always, there was not a single human in sight, a reminder of the untouched wilderness that we were privileged to explore.
In our backpacks, we made sure to pack the essentials for our outdoor adventure. Each of us had a sleeping bag, rain jackets, and thermo underwear to keep us warm and dry. We also packed two pairs of socks to prevent blisters and a 2-liter hydration bladder to stay hydrated throughout our journey. Snacks were a must, providing us with the energy we needed to keep going. In addition to these items, I carried a camping stove and four emergency food rations for any unforeseen circumstances. I also packed a few Maurten bars for quick and easy energy boosts. To combat the chilly weather, I included a down jacket and gloves in my luggage. Despite weighing 7 kilos, my backpack sat comfortably on my back, causing no discomfort during our hikes. It will not be my last hike with these backpacks :)
8000watt Italia shirts back in stock!
Danke Tim Dörpmund für den nicen Artikel in der textilwirtschaft.de Ausgabe August 2023!
Kleines Blatt? Nein Danke
Make a statement wearing this Kleines Blatt? Nein Danke T-Shirt. Show off your fearless sense of style and commitment to the big chainring with this tee, produced with organic cotton, printed in Germany. Get ready to make an impactful statement with this vibrant summer pastel design!
Fotos by my G -> Maximilian Semlinger
Live podcast in Cologne
(Sold Out)
My Incredible Live Podcast Experience in Cologne
On the 29th of October, we are excited to bring our live podcast experience to Frankfurt! But before we delve into the future, let me take you back to the incredible evening we had during our last live show in Cologne.
Teaming up with the renowned personalities of the industry, Rick Zabel, Tanja Erath, and Benedict Herzberg, we had the privilege of hosting a sold-out event at the renowned theater in Cologne. With a capacity of 400 attendees, the energy in the room was palpable and contagious.
What set this podcast event apart was the friendly and interactive atmosphere we created. We not only wanted to share our perspectives but also engage in meaningful conversations with the audience. To that end, we encouraged questions, comments, and discussions throughout the show. The response from the audience was heartwarming - it felt like everyone was a part of the conversation. The chemistry between the hosts and the audience was electric, creating an unforgettable experience that left everyone feeling inspired and motivated. The lively discussions and shared laughter made it a truly memorable podcast event.
Now, as we gear up for our next live podcast in Frankfurt on the 29th of October at Batschkapp, we can't help but reminisce about the amazing time we had in Cologne. If you missed out on that sold-out experience, here's your chance to join us in Frankfurt. Some tickets are still available, but they are going fast! Secure your spot soon to avoid disappointment.
Escape to Nature: Two Days Camping Trip from Berlin
If you're craving an escape from the bustling city of Berlin, look no further than a two-day camping adventure. With a carefully planned route of 220 km, split into 60 km on the first day and 160 km on the second, you can find solace at the picturesque Werbellinsee. To make this journey, rely on the Standert Pfadfinder bicycle and equip yourself with the reliable Ortlieb bags for all your camping essentials. The road to Werbellinsee is predominantly paved, making it a smooth ride for most of the journey. However, be prepared for some sections of gravel that add a touch of adventure and excitement to your trip. Your 35 mm wide tires, such as the Schwalbe G One and Continental Terry Speed, are the perfect choice for this mixed terrain, ensuring a comfortable and stable ride.
To make the most of your trip, it's recommended to check out the route on Komoot Collection. This digital platform not only provides detailed maps but also offers valuable insights from fellow adventurers who have explored this path before. You can find the highlights, rest stops, and even local recommendations along the way to enhance your experience.
As you embark on this cycling adventure, consider tuning in to a podcast about similar trips to inspire and entertain you during the ride.
On the first day, after completing the initial 60 km stretch from Berlin, you'll arrive at the serene oasis of Werbellinsee. Nestled amidst nature, this lake offers a perfect spot for camping and relaxing. You can order your pizza via call a pizza. No joke. The pizza is hot! Pitch your tent, unwind, and bask in the tranquility of your surroundings. Enjoy swimming, fishing, or simply lounging by the shore, taking in the breathtaking beauty that nature has to offer.
The next day, gear up for the 160 km return journey to Berlin. As you head back, you'll have the opportunity to venture into Poland, adding an international flair to your trip. Take in the scenic views, experience the cultural diversity, and relish the feeling of crossing borders on your trusty bike.
Throughout your expedition, your Standert Pfadfinder bicycle will prove to be a reliable companion, providing excellent performance and comfort. The Ortlieb bags will ensure that all your camping gear and supplies remain safe and dry.
Das 1. Augsburger Innenstadtkriterium am 8. Juli 2023 steht vor der Tür. Wer sich noch nicht angemeldet hat… do it now! 8000watt wird vor Ort sein und einen Instagram Take-Over vom MAXXIES Tires maken!
I had the opportunity to experience the Oakley Bike Garage Pop Up Space in Munich from 21-25 June 2023, and it was truly a blast. The location couldn't have been better, situated right in the heart of Munich. The event had an exciting program lined up, featuring talks, ride outs with gravel bikes, road bikes, and mountain bikes, as well as workshops. During my three-day visit, I had the pleasure of guiding two ride outs - an early bird ride and an afternoon ride - through the breathtaking landscape. It was fantastic to connect with fellow cyclists and enthusiasts, particularly during the talk about gravel riding in Finland. Friday turned into an unforgettable night as we all gathered for a super nice party at Bar Charly. To add more fun to the atmosphere, I even had the opportunity to play a two-hour set on a massive soundsystem. It was an incredible experience, and I'm already looking forward to returning next year! This was a good event!
turbo T-Shirt drop out now!
Turbo t-shirts red & purple screen print. Available in natural raw organic and white organic cotton. Printed in Germany!
Fotos by Maximilian Semlinger

One of the highlights of Finland's summer season is exploring its gravel roads, which provide an unparalleled adventure for both locals and visitors alike. The winding paths, surrounded by breathtaking landscapes of dense forests and pristine lakes, make for an unforgettable journey. As I participated in a thrilling race on these gravel roads, I had the opportunity to capture some moments through my lens. The photos depict the sheer excitement and determination on the faces of the racers, the dust swirling behind as they pushed their limits, and the beautiful Finnish countryside serving as a backdrop. To delve deeper into the experience, I highly recommend checking out the highly acclaimed 8000hertz podcast episode dedicated to the weekend in Finland – it captures the essence of the race and the magic of the surroundings, leaving listeners longing for their own gravel road adventures.
Tune in! #8000hertz podcast is online (in german)!
Interview with Finja Smekal
I had the incredible opportunity to sit down with Finja Smekal, the 22-year-old German rider from the renowned UCI Women Continental Team MAXX SOLAR ROSE Women Racing. Tune in!
FNLD GRVL — Carolin Schiff
I just came back from the first edition of the FNLD GRVL race in Lahti, Finland last wee and it was an amazing experience. The scenery made for a beautiful backdrop for the race, and I was able to take some shots for Maurten and their new athlete Carolin Schiff. 177 km race in Finland! All the photos and interviews can be found online, so check them out and get a glimpse at what the first edition of the race was like!
It was an fun and fast weekend!
The Bembel Crit is one of the most exciting events scheduled to take place at the upcoming Eurobike Show in Frankfurt on June 24th, 2023. This exhilarating race is open to both boys and girls, with categories for both elite and amateur riders. But what really sets this event apart is the inclusion of riders as young as 11 and 13 years old, making it a truly family-friendly experience. Registration is now open for all categories, so be sure to check out the event website at bembelcrit.de to secure your spot in what is sure to be an unforgettable race.
"Gear up for your next adventure with the latest 8000watt musettes - watch the video now!"
Cycling enthusiasts need a good source of energy to keep them going on long rides. And let's be real, the real reason we enjoy cycling is because of all the snacks that come along with it. Fortunately, we no longer have to settle for boring energy bars and gels. The new SNACKS bags are out now, and they are a game changer. In a video by Floris and with the assistance of Anna, the Dinamo Typefaces typeface and Julien Riganti's creative direction, we get to see just how convenient and delicious these new snacks are. So grab your bike, hit the road, and don't forget to bring some SNACKS along for the ride.
Wednesday the 17.05.2023 at 12 pm the 8000watt musette bags will be dropped. With every Musettes ordered, you get a Maurten Solid C 225 for free.
Paris-Roubaix 2023
For the third time, I found myself working at Paris Roubaix, also known as "The Hell of the North," the most iconic one-day race in the world. This year, I was fortunate enough to work for Oakleybike and was tasked with moderating their Instagram channel. As always, it was an incredible experience, working alongside such a cool team. The atmosphere was electric, and the energy from the riders and the fans alike was palpable. From start to finish, it was a great race, and the results were truly spectacular. All in all, it was an unforgettable weekend, and I feel so fortunate to have been a part of it.
Whoop There It Is
Seit Januar nutze ich den Fitnesstracker von WHOOP und habe ihn seit dem kein einziges Mal abgenommen. Da ich bei meinen Reporting-Jobs oft viele Stunden unterwegs bin, ist es wichtig, dass ich meine Gesundheit im Auge behalte.
Die WHOOP 4.0 hilft mir, meine körperliche Belastung besser zu verstehen und zu managen. Der Tracker erfasst mittels eines Sensors meine Herzfrequenzvariabilität sowie Ruheherzfrequenz und ermittelt daraus meinen täglichen Erholungswert.
Fullforcevoraus und immer großes Blatt erfordern im Gegenzug eben auch ausreichend Zeit für Ruhe und Erholung. WHOOP liefert mir genaue Informationen darüber, wie viel Erholung ich brauche, damit ich meine Energie und Leistungsfähigkeit aufrechterhalten kann.
Insgesamt ein großartiges Tool, um deine körperliche Gesundheit im Blick zu behalten und deine Performance damit zu optimieren. Ich freue mich schon darauf in den kommenden Monaten meine Insights mit euch zu teilen, egal ob bei Jobs, auf dem Rad oder der nächsten Blattkontrolle.
Für alle, die jetzt richtig motiviert sind, das Ganze selbst auszuprobieren, habe ich hier einen Link. Mit diesem könnt ihr WHOOP einen ganzen Monat lang kostenlos testen. #time2abfahrt auf meinen Nacken https://join.whoop.com/8000watt
A day at bike-components!

I was at the end of March to visit the online mail order Bike-components in Wurselen. It is a huge business and when you enter the company you think you are in Silican Valley. Lots of seating and work corners, a canteen that also serves vegetarian and vegan dishes. The employees are all motivated and are not only passionate cyclists but there are also one or two former professionals working on site. In the process, I have also started an affiliet program with my every day in use products. The list I will still update...
I'm excited about my first live podcast appearance during the bike show kolektif, here in Berlin. Are you with me? See you later, I'm looking forward to it!
Italia shirts are now back in stock available in all sizes.
Organic cotton and printed in Germany. Julien is 1,89 m tall and wear size L.
👚 L, XL are oversized and deadstock from @vinokilo . S,M, XXL are like the Bravo Shirts.
8000watt x Stevens Racing Team at the German Cross Championships 2023
You can buy now in our online store the latest BRAVO!! & Fullforcevoraus Sweater and two organic t-shirts. Printed in Germany, design by 8000watt!
My 3 days Pyrenees trip with Marion!
In September I was not only hiking in the Pyrenees but also did a 3 day bike packing trip through the Pyrenees with Marion. We started in Girona and rode 390 km through the beautiful mountains. It was really fun, had nice accommodations and were lucky with the weather. Next year again Marion! And as you can see we rode with a road bike ( Standert Kreissäge) and a gravel bike / hybrit ( Votec VRX special edition). It worked out wonderfully and are driven to 97% road.
The whole route you can find on my Komoot profile or on 8000watt.com
Finally it is online the 8000hertz Podcast with 8000watt and Benedict Herzberg. Not a nerd podcast about bicycles, but also about real life. Listen in (in German). Ciao ciao!
Le Grand Départ Tour de France Kopenhagen with hansgrohe!

Finally it's Tour de France again. This year the start took place in Copenhagen. A really beautiful city. Many cyclists on the road and a good infrastructure for the bikes. The weekend I spent again with hansgrohe. With the Golden S-Work it went through the city and the one and other interview with Lennard Kämna, Nils Politt and Ralf Denk you can find as IGTV on my Instagram channel.
Everything summarized and discussed in detail you can listen to my new podcast 8000hertz (in German) which I do together with Benedict Herzberg.

The latest 8000watt drop is online since last week.
The Aperol and Bravo!! T-shirt fit for summer was already sold out in a few minutes. The Numero Special long sleeve which combines khaki with a light gray print is still available. Alpine panorama combined with the photos of Marina Hoppmann #Fullforcevoraus
Sommer 2021. Das Ruhrgebiet ruft.🥰🚴🏽♂️
Zusammen mit @jour_de_ruhr haben wir eine Kulturfahrradtour anhand der Vorlage des Films „Tour de Ruhr“ von Elke Heidenreichs durch geführt. Von Dortmund nach Duisburg, vorbei an alten Industrieanlagen die heute bestückt sind mit Kultur. Von Theater, Performance Art, Soundinstallationen bis hin zu alternativen Kunstausstellungsräume wie der @neueressenerkunstverein. Fahrradfahren ist leur als VO2max 😉
Organisation: Jonas Eickhoff
📹: @chrstnschllr
🎶: @normal.4
🎨: @til_who
New playlist….
Top notch graffiti as a tribute to Lennard Kämna's victory on the Etna stage during the Giro 2022.
It's nice to see how the professional cycling culture slowly arrives in the urban culture in Germany and inspires many young people who don't ride around all day in aero jerseys and weigh their porridge.
Anonymously, the picture was sent to me on 8 June 2022 with the indication that the train was sighted at Düsseldorf main station.
After I had sent the pictures to Lennard Kämna he said among other things to me in a voice message: "Mega funny. Really well done. I definitely feel it!"
Thank‘s to the LYP.GFK Crew for the graffiti. When will we see the first @borahansgrohe wholetrain? 😋
Strecken der Jedermann,-Frau Tour Stuttgart
Mit 8000watt und dem großen Blatt könnt ihr am 28. August durch Stuttgart und die Region Stuttgart wattnern. Nicht nur ist an diesem Tag Stuttgart Etappenziel der Deutschland Tour, sondern ihr könnt euch auch für zwei sehr schöne Routen (57 km & 116 km) anmelden. Mit meinem Gutscheincode DT22_8000WATT bekommt ihr bis zum 11.06.2022
5 € off.
Wir haben euch die große Runde vorgestellt am Wochenende welche ihr euch auch noch mal anschauen könnt in den 8000watt Instagram Highlights. Mit 116 km und circa. 1050 hm fahret ihr durch 5 sehr schöne Regionen rund um Stuttgart. Unteranderem wartet das hügelige Albvorland auf Jedefrau und Jedermann. Kirchheim unter Teck und Notzingen werden passiert, in Ebersbach an der Fils ist Halbzeit. Die Fahrt durch das Nassachtal bietet Zeit zum Durchatmen, bevor der Anstieg zum höchsten Punkt der Jedermann Tour viel abverlangt. Es geht auf fast 500 Meter Höhe auf den Schurwald nach Schorndorf-Schlichten. Nach diesem Höhepunkt können sich die Beine bis zum Treffpunkt aller Strecken im Remstal ausruhen. Dann heißt es, alles auf die Pedale zu bringen bis zum Ziel auf der Theodor-Heuss-Straße.

PARAX x 8000watt
Drop today at 6 pm. Die Special Edition für alle Wattner*innen. Häng deine Wattmaschiene mit dem S-RACK auf. Auch dein Bike brauch mal eine Pause. Hochwertiger Folierung und du hast die Möglichkeit zwischen den zwei Slogans "Fullforcevoraus" und "Immer großes Blatt, 8000watt" dich zu entscheiden.
Das exklusive 8000watt Design ist streng limitiert! Also seid schnell und sichert euch eins der einzigartigen S-RACKS!
The new 8000watt Espresso
“Bella Italia” is in the game!
Approved by @rickzabel roasted at @19grams.coffee . Pronto! Espresso doppio, flat white or simply on ice. The Bella Italia Special Edition accompanies you throughout the day. Before the workout, during a meeting and after dinner. Don‘t fall asleep! Fullforcevoraus! In Brazil, 1100 meters above sea level, we found a real KOM. Pedro Humberto Veloso, who’s coffee tastes like chocolate, as well as some caramel. The family-run farm Santa Cecilia, has been around for 160 years and only biological fertilizers are used.
100% Arabica, 100% directly traded and roasted with 100% love. Bacio! And now get on your bike!

Donation campaign 8000watt x buycycle.de
You remember my first road bike? You can now buy my Trek Émonda SL 6 on the platform of my friends from buycycle.de, the online provider for used road bikes, gravel and MTB's with buyer protection. But the full amount we donate to two children's charity:
Voices of children 🇺🇦
Psychological and psychosocial support for children in Ukraine war!Save the children 🌏
Support for children in conflicts that go under the radar like Yemen!
Have fun with the bike and also consider yourself lucky in the privileged situation here with you in Germany
Paris-Roubaix 2022
Glad to be back for @parisroubaixcourse 2022 🇫🇷🤝🪨 This year I had the opportunity to work with hansgrohe. Not only have we mastered the Paris Roubaix Challenge with 145 km but I also had time to conduct interviews. Let's go!
Der Radklassiker
In nicht mal einem Monat ist es wieder soweit. Der Radklassiker Eschborn-Frankfurt findet statt und nicht nur die Profis sind bei uns in Frankfurt zu Gast sondern du hast auch die Möglichkeit bei der ŠKODA Velotour am 1.Mai 2022 als Hobby-Wattnerin und Hobby-Wattner auf der abgesperrter Strecke zu ballern. Feldberg, Ruppertshein und der Mammolsheiner Stich warten auf dich.
Die lange Strecke, ŠKODA Velotour Classic, führt über 100 Kilometer und ist ein wahrer Jedermann-Klassiker. 1700 Höhenmeter verteilen sich auf dem Kurs, den auch die Profis beim Radklassiker unter die Räder nehmen. Legendäre Anstiege, wie Feldberg, Ruppertshainer und Mammolshainer Stich inklusive.
Ihr möchtet euch den Mammolshainer Stich für das nächste Jahr aufheben, aber dennoch die Klassiker wie Feldberg oder Ruppertshainer Berg erleben? Dann ist die ŠKODA Velotour Express genau das Richtige für euch. Auf 88 Kilometern erlebt ihr 1450 Höhenmeter.
Für Einsteiger, egal ob in den Radsport oder in die Saison, ist die ŠKODA Velotour Skyline das perfekte Erlebnis. 40 nahezu komplett flache Kilometer zwischen Eschborn und Frankfurt geben Gelegenheit, in den Rennzirkus hinein zu schnuppern. Eine eindrucksvolle Stadtrundfahrt durch die Frankfurter Häuserschluchten, die Taunusgemeinde Oberursel und den schönen Vordertaunus garantieren einen idealen Feiertag.
Kleines Blatt? Nein Danke 2.0 Hoodie
Schwarzer Hoodie mit vier farbigen Siebdruck auf den Armen, auf der Brust und auf dem Rücken. Let’s go.
Neuer Podcastfolge mit Rick Zabel!
Time2Abfahrt - Julien Riganti, Mr.8000 Watt ist zum zweiten Mal bei Plan Z zu Gast.
In dieser Folge lernt ihr Julien von einer sehr persönlichen Seite kennen. Zusammen mit Rick lässt er das letzte Jahr Revue passieren und blickt auf die Projekte 2022 voraus. Allerdings kann selbst Julien nicht immer auf dem großen Blatt durchs Leben ballern und es ist völlig ok auch mal ruhiger zu treten.
Sehr gerne könnt ihr als Hörer:in dieses Podcasts zu vielen Themen in dieser Folge Bezug nehmen - darum wird ausdrücklich gebeten.
Better sleep for the babies with the 8000watt rompers and from this follows more energy for the parents!
Now available in the store again.
Hier kommt dein 8000watt Weihnachtsgeschenk: Die Box enthält den Fullforcevoraus Espresso - unter Radlern längst ein Klassiker - aber auch die 8000watt Weihnachtsröstung 2021. On top gibt's eine coole Trinkflasche von ROAAR. Julien, Rick und 19grams wünschen euch ein verdammt gutes Weihnachten!
Im Set kommen:
- der 8000 Christmas Coffee 2021
- der Fullforcevoraus Espresso
- Trinkflasche von ROAAR
Rick und Julien haben sich ein besonderes Special für Weihnachten überlegt - in einer der Boxen gibt es ein "goldenes Ticket". Damit gewinnst du einen gemeinsamen Ride beim ROAAR Event 2022, und lernst Rick und Julien persönlich kennen.
8000watt CBD Öl, das Kettenöl für die Wattner*innen.
Wer wattnert und viel druck auf den Pedalen hat, muss auch relaxen!
Zur Regeneration nach dem Sport, bei Stress Abbau oder auch bei Regelschmerzen geeignet.
100% Vegan, angebaut in Apulien (Italien) ohne Einsatz von Pestizide oder chemischen Düngemitteln.
Reiner Geschmack von glücklichen Pflanzen ohne künstliche Zusatzstoffe. Garantiert unter 0,2 % THC und somit nicht zu Rauschzwecken geeignet. Unserer Wattner*innen starten mit 2–3 Tropfen und tasten sich an die für sie perfekte Dosis heran. 10 ml mit drei verschiedenen Dosierungen: 500 mg, 1000 mg & 2000 mg CBD.
Handverpackt in Berlin von Calma CBD🧪🤝❤️
Mit #fullforcevoraus in den Ruhepott.
Zum 40. Jubiläum ist #8000watt auf den Spuren von Elke Heidenreichs „Tour de Ruhr“: Zusammen mit @jour_de_ruhr, die für Kultur, Kunst und vor allem Musik aus dem Ruhrgebiet stehen werden wir mit dem großen Blatt eine Tour fernab vom Col du Galibier durch führen. Danke für die Unterstützung @ruhrtourismus & @rvr.ruhr. Seit gespannt auf die nächsten 4 Tage. 😀
PS: Neue Instagram GIFs sind am Start!

Der Gravel Fondo Berlin. 120 km offroad rund um den Berliner Westen. Döberitzer Heide bis Potsdam. Geile Strecke haben Darren und Ingo von @wahoofitnessofficial gescoutet. Gute Stimmung, geiles Wetter #fullforcevoraus. Ich bin aus Neukölln los gefahren daher die 160 km auf dem Tacho!
Bilder @justincrudolph & @mianziclicks 📸

Die Tour Röstung
Das größte Radrennen Europas - Rick ist auf dem Weg 3.414,4 km quer durch Frankreich zu radeln. Damit er fullforcevoraus wattnern kann, haben wir für unseren Kaffee eine nachhaltig und fair gehandelte Arabica-Bohne aus Palermo in Huila, Kolumbien ausgesucht. Angebaut auf 1.600 - 2.000 m Höhe, eignet sie sich perfekt für deinen Café au lait!
Wie immer 100% Arabica, 100% direkt gehandelt und 100% mit Liebe geröstet. Schmeckt cremig gut nach Erdbeere, Karamell und Schokolade.
Gute Fahrt wünschen euch 8000watt & Rick!
What was Ernesto's idea to start his Gravel / Bikepacking project Spanish Lapland aka. Montanas Vacias. One of the most sparsely populated regions in Europe and economically isolated, he used his passion for cycling, especially gravel, and his know-how in the IT and programming sector to launch his independent project montanasvacias.com. Pack your bags and come to Teruel, where all the routes start, and go graveling in a beautiful mountain region. It's really awesome! #fullforcevoraus
Abfahrt nach Spanien in die Serranía Celtibérica. Ein menschenleeres Gebiet im Nordosten Spaniens, was zweimal die Größe wie Belgien hat, mit nur knapp 7 Einwohner pro Quadratkilometer. Wie in Lappland. Daher heiß die Region auch “Spanish Lapland”. Im Herzen liegt die Bergkette Montes Universales. Dort lebt weniger als 1 Mensch Pro Quadratkilometer.. Die Serranía Celtibérica gehört zu den von der Europäischen Union anerkannten benachteiligten Berggebieten. Wir checken aus, was dort abgeht. Knapp 700km über 5 Tage, mit circa 2000 hm+ jeden Tag, Gravelstyle mit 28 Zoll und 650B. Mit Schlauch und Tubeless. Werden und ob wir pannenfrei durch kommen. Eindrücke aus der Natur und alle News und livebericht Erstattung gibt es auf dem 8000watt Instagram Kanal. Fotos: Patrick Pilz
Giro d'Italia Espresso (limitiert Edition)
Wenn wir an den Giro d’Italia denken, denken wir an einen Caffè Doppio und an Rick Zabel wie er sich das Bergtrikot 2020 erwattnert hat. Uns erwartet dieses Jahr 3.450 km mit knapp 50.000 Höhenmeter. Und genau deswegen brauchen alle Wattner*innen eine Spezielle Giro d’Italia Espresso Röstung.
Wie immer 100% Arabica, 100% direkt gehandelt und 100% mit Liebe geröstet. In Brasilien haben wir auf 1100 Meter einen Kaffee von Pedro Humberto Veloso gefunden, der als Geschmacksgranate nach Blaubeerkuchen, Schokolade und feinster Pflaumen- und Pfirsichsauce schmeckt. 12,50 € /250 g
Gute Fahrt wünschen euch 8000watt & Rick.
Abfahrt um 6.30 Uhr mit den 8000watt Tassen. Ob Espresso oder Cappuccino. Hauptsache Fullforce. Porzellan und Espresso-Bar Qualität. Made in Italy!

Der „Kleine Blatt? Nein Danke“ Hoodie ist am Start.
😂 www.kleinesblattneindanke.de 😂
Verpackt wird nächste Woche Mittwoch auf dem großen Blatt!
Fotos: @leah_pa
Coding: @martinpierretaylor
Sound: @lil_muanda
Die aktuelsten Interviews von Wattner*innen
Paul Voß (ehem. Straßen Profi und angehender Gravel Weltmeister) & Theresia Schwenk (MTB Pro)
All day großes Blatt im Monervois!
Fullforcevoraus Playlist für euch das ihr richtig einen abwattnert!
Valentinstag Musik-Special für dich und das große Blatt!
Ich war zu Gast bei den Brüdern vom Plattfuß Podcast. Danke das ich eurer Gast war. Hat richtig Bock gemacht!
8000watt CBD ÖL
Endlich ist es da. Das 8000watt CBD Öl in Kollaboration mit CALMA. Um fit zu bleiben, sollten die Wattner*innen auch regenerieren. Ob bei Muskelkater, Entzündungen, Verspannungen, Stress oder zum Einschlafen hilft dir CBD (Cannabidiol) auf natürliche Art und Weise. 10 ml Flaschen in verschiedenen Konzentrationen. 100% Vegan. Relax 8000.
Same Day Delivery in Berlin!
8000watt x CALMA CBD
Unser CBD Öl ist auf Hanfsamenöl-Basis hergestellt und beinhaltet das volle Spektrum von Cannabinoiden.
100 % Cannabis, ohne den Einsatz von Pestiziden oder chemischen Düngemitteln. Das Anbaugebiet liegt in Apulien, Italien und ist von Sonne verwöhnt. Reiner Geschmack von glücklichen Pflanzen ohne künstliche Zusatzstoffe. Garantiert unter 0,2 % THC und somit nicht zu Rauschzwecken geeignet. Unserer Wattner*innen starten mit 2–3 Tropfen und tasten sich an die für sie perfekte Dosis heran. Außerhalb der Reichweite von Kindern aufbewahren. Relax 8000.

Filterröstung bis zur Anaerobe Schwelle
Neu dazu gekommen ist unserer Filterkaffee vom Nova »Café des Mamas« Projekt. Eine Kaffeefarm aus dem Norden Ruandas welche von Frauen geleitet wird und die sich für die Bildung der Frauen einsetzten. Red Burbon Arabica Bohnen. Mega. Sowohl der Geschmackt als auch das Projekt! Wie immer alles frisch geröstet, fair bezahlt und nachhaltig gehandelt.
Fullforcevoraus mit dem neuen Standert Erdgeschoss. Mit 8000watt in die Werbung geballert ;)
Fotos sind von Savannah van der Niet
Interview mit shutuplegs.de
Artikel auf shutuplegs.de
8000watt Espresso
Rick Zabel & 8000watt haben es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, in Kooperation mit der Kaffeerösterei 19grams aus Berlin, einen Kaffee zu kreieren, der nicht nur nachhaltig angebaut wird, sondern auch schmeckt. Ob in der Bialetti oder in der Siebträgermaschine. 250 g geröstete Bohnen aus Costa Rica. Fullforcevoraus Espresso!
100 % Arabika
Origin: Costa Rica
Farm: cooperative of 30 small farmers
Altitude: 1700 m
Varietal: catuai caturra
Process: washed
Flavor notes: cane sugar, melon, milk chocolate
Gravel Fondo 2020
An alle Wattnerinnen & Wattner. Da dieses Jahr der Gravel Fondo nicht so stattfinden kann wie gewohnt baller ich trotzdem durch den Pfälzerwald und berichte von der Strecke. Quasi virtuelles Gravel Fondo Wochenende. Abends ab 20 Uhr am Lagerfeuer gibt es noch einen Livestream via Instagram bei dem wir uns über das große Blatt und natürlich über das graveln unterhalten und austauschen können 🔥🥳
On Top gibt noch ein Gewinnspiel und noch bei nice Routen auf Komoot sodass wirklich auch alle an dem Weekend für sich eine Runde graveln können.
Bergzeit x Wahoo x 8000watt
Bock auf 2 Tage Bikepacking mit mir und dem großen Blatt? Bewirb Dich jetzt mit einem stabilen Bikebild und mit etwas Glück kannst du den Trip vom 21. bis 23. August für Dich & Deine Begleitung gewinnen.
Einsendeschluss ist der 14. August 2020. Der Trip findet im Allgäu statt.
Checkt es aus!
Ich bin 210 km von Offenbach nach Köln mit dem großen Blatt gefahren um bei Rick Zabel als Gast in seinem Plan Z Podcast zu sein. Fullforcevoraus Rick!
Ich war zu Gast bei Rick Zabels Podcast Plan Z. Nach dem ich den Einspieler damals für Rick entworfen habe war ich diesmal live in seinem Podcast. Hört rein, ist geil! Wir haben auch eine Riesenüberraschung für alle Hörer im Gepäck. Also liebe Grüße an alle Wattner und Full Force voraus!
Morgens schon auf dem großen Blatt unterwegs zu sein ist für jeden Wattner und jede Wattnerin ein Traum. Rick Zabel & 8000watt machen es möglich. Fairtrade Kaffe aus nachhaltigem Anbau in Kooperation mit der Kaffeerösterei 19grams aus Berlin. 250g Fullforcevoraus Espresso! Ab Anfang August wieder im Shop erhältlich.
14. Juni 2020 ich treffe Jonas Rutsch zum Interview im Flamme Roufe Bike in Frankfurt und er gibt uns ein Update wie bis jetzt seine World Tour zur Zeiten von Corona veraufen ist.